2025 UPDATE – Note that there is new language required for these reports found in the latest Condominium Rider to the FAR BAR Contract…
The condominium rider to the FAR BAR contract states at the end of it that:
MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 718.503(2)(a)5, F.S., Buyer who has entered into this Contract is entitled, at Seller’s expense, to receive from Seller, before the sale of the Property, a copy of the inspector-prepared summary of the milestone inspection report, as described in Sections 553.899 and 718.301(4)(p), Florida Statutes, if (1) applicable and (2) the summary has been submitted to the Association.
What is this? Following the collapse of the Surfside building the Florida legislature made some changes and this is one of them.
“Milestone inspection” means a structural inspection of a building, including an inspection of load-bearing elements and the primary structural members and primary structural systems as those terms are defined in s. 627.706, by an architect licensed under chapter 481 or engineer licensed under chapter 471 authorized to practice in this state for the purposes of attesting to the life safety and adequacy of the structural components of the building and, to the extent reasonably possible, determining the general structural condition of the building as it affects the safety of such building, including a determination of any necessary maintenance, repair, or replacement of any structural component of the building. The purpose of such inspection is not to determine if the condition of an existing building is in compliance with the Florida Building Code or the firesafety code. The milestone inspection services may be provided by a team of professionals with an architect or engineer acting as a registered design professional in responsible charge with all work and reports signed and sealed by the appropriate qualified team member.
It is worth noting here that the the Milestone Study is sent to the association’s local building department, where it can be examined by anyone who requests it. All one need do is to make a public records request for it.