On Thursday December 10th the Village of North Palm Beach City Council heard a ‘first reading’ two ordinance affecting the property at 1240 US Highway One (Water Club) owned by Domani Development, an affiliate of West Palm Beach-based Kolter Group, to:
- Rezone the parcel from C -1 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District to the R -3 Apartment Dwelling Zoning District.
- Amend the approved PUD to allow for another tower to be built at this location.
The site was acquired for $4.7 million in December 2014 and the 25,780-square-foot office building there would need to be demolished to make way for the condos.
This is THE LINK to the pdf of the presentation to the North Palm Beach Panning Board.
The project would have two levels of parking and then two condo units per floor. The units would be 2,900 and 3,400 square feet. The change in zoning would allow for 30 residential units at the site. Assuming two units per floor in addition to 2 floors of parking then there will be a 17 story building there.
The first phase of the Water Club is currently under construction with two 22-story condo towers for a combined 166 units.