Hot off the presses. I was told today at a meeting with the folks from PBC that FEMA has (basically) denied the appeal of the new FEMA Maps which were first proposed in late 2019. This appeal was based upon the fact that the proposed maps used LiDAR data from 2007 that the last revision to the FIRM maps was based upon. However the state, and feds, paid to update this data and it is MUCH more accurate. It also takes into account that certain area (such as Frenchmans Harbour here in Juno Beach) was developed after 2007.
How does this affect you? Well, with Risk Rating 2.0 and the elimination of the preferred risk policy there is no longer a clear dollar difference in how the inclusion in flood zone affects your policy premium. Thus, this new map does not affect premium calculations. BUT, it does affect who is required by their lender to carry flood insurance. And, it also affects the requirements to rebuild a property in the event of a rebuilding 9 OR SUBSTANTIAL RENOVATION) of the property.