One of the last things that was done just before our last town manager resigned we spent 91,288 for just 2 conceptual designs for the Lighthouse Dr bridge: “Resolution approving a proposal from Engenuity Group, Inc. for professional engineering services associated for development of two conceptual designs for the reconstruction of the Lighthouse Drive Bridge at a total cost of $91,288; authorizing execution of all required document; and authorizing a budget amendment to fund the purchase.”
One of the last things our last manager did before resigning was:
“Resolution approving a proposal from Engenuity Group, Inc. for professional engineering services associated for development of two conceptual designs for the reconstruction of the Lighthouse Drive Bridge at a total cost of $91,288; authorizing execution of all required document; and authorizing a budget amendment to fund the purchase. “
Then the Village gave 2GHO 83,439 for 2GHO to do a traffic study “Lukasik explained that the resolution would approve an amendment to a contract with Gentile Glas Holloway O’Mahoney & Associates, Inc. (2GHO) for Lighthouse Drive Streetscape/Traffic Calming Design Services (Task 3) in the amount of $84,349.”
175k spent so far and the best the came up with is replacing the 36′ wide bridge with a 65′ wide one.
We got a grant for 270k in March 2004 and Karen Marcus was placed on the committe to rank the repondants…
Background: On March 25, 2024, the Village issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), soliciting
qualification statements from bridge design consultants for the design of the Lighthouse Drive Bridge
Replacement Project in accordance with the requirements of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes
(Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act or CCNA). The qualification statements were submitted on
April 25, 2024, with five (5) different design consultants submitting responses. All responses were
reviewed by the Village’s Bridge Design Selection Committee, with the intent to shortlist three (3)
consultants for future presentations. The Selection Committee members included the following
Karen Marcus, Resident
Samia Janjua, Deputy Village Manager
Caryn Gardner-Young, Community Development Director
Chad Girard, Public Works Director
Jamie Mount, Asst. Public Works Director
On May 9, 2024, the Bridge Design Selection Committee met to create a shortlist of three (3) design
consultants following review of qualifications statements submitted in response to the RFQ. The
following three (3) design consultants were shortlisted: WGI, Inc.; Consor Engineers, LLC; and Alan
Gerwig & Associates, Inc.
On June 6, 2024, the Bridge Design Selection Committee hosted presentations by the shortlisted design
consultants. The consultants presented their technical qualifications for designing the Lighthouse Drive
Bridge replacement project. Following the presentations, the Selection Committee ranked the firms as
follows (ranking sheet included in back up materials):
1. WGI, Inc.
2. Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc.
3. Consor Engineers, LLC
The committee’s selection of WGI, Inc. as the top-ranked firm was based on several key considerations
Consider a motion to adopt a resolution approving a Contract with WGI, Inc. for the design of the
Lighthouse Drive Bridge Replacement Project at a total cost not to exceed $639,729.43; and
authorizing execution of the Contract.
Another 365k spent, so 540k spent to date.