WOW! The small town of Juno Beach is in the midst of an identity crisis. This tiny town has seen politics degarde into a Jerry Springer show and town council elections influened by dark money. Why? The location is terrific for new dvelopments like the Carretta at US-1 and Donald Ross. All the developers wnat to cash in on that small town feel. But then we need more roads and before you know it that small town feel is gone. CLICK HERE to read the county plans for this itersection
The first step is under way and they will craft a Master Plan influenced by the developers. Then they will change the Comprehensive Plan for this Master Plan, then finally the zoning, then they will say we talked about this and now our hands are tied. We HAVE to give them the development they are seeking. That’s the density that every developer seeks. North Palm Beach just did this and they have approved the Village Place development at US-1 and Northlake with HUGE increases in density from 36 (Juno is now 22) to 115 units per acre. No that’s not a typo.