Lots of folks in Real Estate will tell you about the importance of checking, tracking and perhaps cleaning up your credit rating but equally as important, IMO, is checking your insurance rating. Insurance is VERY expensive these days and I take great care in ensuring I get the lowest rate possible. Ever wonder why 2 people living right next to each other could pay very different amount for property insurance. Yes, there may be wind mitigation factors in use, or flood mitigation factors in use BUT most folks do not know that insurance companies have volumes of data on you that they use to determine IF they want to insure you and if so at what rate?
I just got my annual notice like this one in the mail and last year I did this. I requested a copy (FREE) of my insurance rating data from Lexis Nexis. You may mail them this form here…
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Consumer Center
P.O. Box 105108
Atlanta, GA 30348-5108
OR, request on on line here…