First, this is general information. If you really want to know for certain then call the Palm Beach county planning & zoning department with your parcel ID. Use this link to get the zoning and FLU information for your property. Tired of dealing with Realtors who don’t know details like this. Call me 561.626.8550
ALL of Palm Beach Country Estates is an ‘Exurban’ Tier, outside of the Urban Services or ‘U/S Tier’. Generally speaking lots with a house on them are zoned AR or Agricultural Residential zoning district. (FYI houses in this designation have the use restrictions generally noted as being for a ‘residentially zoned’ districts). The Future Land Use is Rural Residential with one house per 2.5 acres or RR 2.5 and PBCE does NOT have a “Neighborhood Plan” like Jupiter Farms does. Note that a “conforming lot” in the AR zoning district is 300′ x 300′ or a little over 2 acres. Thus, if you are on a typical PBCE lot of 1.15 Acre lot then you are on an “existing non-conforming” lot. Thus, for most reading this, the information below asumes you are on a NON conforming lot.
One might ask: What is a “conforming lot” in the AR district? In short, 300’X300’…

As per an email from the PBC P&Z department on a lot in PBCE…
- The subject property is a non-conforming lot located in the Agricultural Residential (AR) Zoning District.
- Please refer to Article 5 for Accessory Structure setback.
- Please refer to Article 1 for Building Coverage.
So let’s look at an example. A lot that it 210′ wide X 240′ deep. This is 1.15 Acres and smaller than 300’x300′ and thus an ‘existing non conforming’ lot. Let’s assume it has a descent sized 4,000 sf house on it. This is the total size of the building(s) (ALL BUILDINGS) but would not include a pool or a screen enclosure UNLESS it has a solid roof. But if you have other structures on the lot, like a barn, with a solid roof then theese WOULD BE included in the lot coverage.
Let’s look at basic lot coverage. Looking at the links above, Table 1.F.2, we see that lot coverage must be less than 20%, so 0.2*210*240 = 10,080 sf. Hmm, that’s alot. In this example we could have an accessory builging that’s 10,080 – 4000 = 6,080 SF. HUGE!
ALL building heights are governed by Chapter 3 of the ULDC and that limits height to 35′ to the mean roof height in Article 3.
Let’s look at the set backs. Again, looking at the links above we see it is 15′ from the rear and side yard property lines for existing non conforming but ALSO at least 5′ from any easements. Generally these structures must be behind the front and side street yard set backs BUT there is a method spelled out to locate these CLOSER to those roadways. It’s possible.
How much width of the lot do we have to work with? Note that PBCE is outside of the U/S Tier so the maximum % of lot width does NOT apply. In this example, we have 210′-2*15′ = 180′. Assuming the house is not “in the way”, on this lot, a 60’x100′ accessory building would be OK with room to spare but what could it be used for? A HUGE barn or personal (non commercial) hobby shop, car storage BUT NOT an accessory dwelling unit (“Accessory Quarters”) which I assume is what most folks reading this are probably looking for. And that’s a bit more complex. BUT THEY ARE ALLOWED
Table 4.B.1.D shows us that for a Single Family “Primary Use” one MAY have “by right”, Permitted or P, the following: Accessory Quarters, an Estate Kitchen, or a Guest Cottage as defined in that chapter as:
Accessory Quarters
a. Definition
A complete, separate living facility equipped with a kitchen and provisions for sanitation and sleeping, located on the same lot as the owner-occupied principal dwelling.
b. Building Area
The use shall be subject to the following:
1) On less than one acre: a maximum of 800 square feet.
2) On one acre or more: a maximum of 1,000 square feet.
3) The floor area calculation shall include only the living area of the Accessory Quarters under a solid roof.
4) Additional floor area under a solid roof that is utilized as a porch, patio, porte-coch