OK, So I just recieved my flood policy renewal but it did NOT take into account my recently Letter of Map Revision (REMOVAL) from FEMA. The timing just happened to be that just 2 days later I was sent another renewal that reflected my correct flood Zone as Zone X (not AE or SFHA) . Anyway, interesting to compare the 2 renewal notices ‘where the rubber meets the road’. The first one was for $475, just $25 more than the second one and contained this verbiage…
So, all this work for just $25? Well, if I should ever be foolish enough to let the policy lapse then it can be renewed at the same preferred risk cost. If changes are made to bring those properties in a Special Flood Hazard Area up to ‘market rates’ then I will not be impacted. And a Buyer for my property will A) not be required to carry flood insurance by their lender, and B) be entitled to the preferred risk policy rates weather they purchase flood insurance right when they buy the property (transfer from my existing policy) or a year after they buy the house. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY THERE IS NO ‘MULTIPLIER’ THIS YEAR OR NEXT OR THE YEAR AFTER THAT. So they are not ramping me up to a non preferred risk policy rate.